Unlock a comprehensive view of housekeeping events within your workplace
Worker Distance to Vehicle
Maintaining a safe distance between workers and vehicles is crucial to prevent a range of accidents. You can take proactive measures to protect both vehicle operators and pedestrians, confidently avoiding potential collisions.
Clear Walkway
Ensuring unobstructed walkways is imperative to prevent trips, slips, and falls, enhance accessibility, and create a safe pedestrian environment. Achieve a comprehensive understanding of these behaviors .
Clear Vehicle Way
Maintaining unobstructed vehicle pathways is vital for ensuring seamless traffic flow, reducing risks, and enabling efficient transportation in designated areas. Gain complete insight into these behaviors.
Vehicle Control
AI helps ensure vehicle and operator compliance with approved operation zones, speed limits, exclusion zones, and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements.
PPE Detection
Our system swiftly identifies workers who may be missing essential personal protective equipment (PPE) such as hard hats, gloves, masks, and more.
Behavioral Safety
We can assist in preventing injuries, such as those caused by pedestrians in operational zones.
AI detects and captures ergonomics issues in real-time, enabling early intervention to prevent .
Area Control
Our system can establish perimeter controls, prevents access to restricted areas, and limits occupational exposure through timed activities
Plug and play install
Automatic camera scan
Secure on-prem processing
Connects to all modern camera systems
Strengthen your safety audit process with comprehensive digital reports and use them alongside your manual safety audits to enhance the insights that you bring to your health and safety meetings.
Evidence based reports
Auto generated safety reports
Flexible mark-down for write ups
Tag stakeholders and share with your team
Our storyboard functionality allows EHS teams to collaborate on learnings from safety events and implement corrective actions.
Group similar themed events
Add documents, actions and commentary
Share with stakeholders
Enable automatic email workflows
We take your data and trust seriously and have built our processes and products to ensure the highest grades of security and privacy.